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Melissa Westemeier

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

People typically have one of two reactions to Thanksgiving, they're either super excited about the holiday or they're dreading it. I've always been a fan because it's that rare holiday where the obligations are simple: get together, eat a meal, feel thankful. That's it. No need to buy gifts. No special music or decorations or clothing are necessary. The add-ons aren't terrible, football games and maybe a Turkey Trot, and let's face it, most of us could benefit from running/jogging/walking a 5K before eating a turkey dinner.

This year we are HOME for the holiday and I told Team Testosterone that unless they request it, I won't make it. Our menu includes turkey, ham, cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, pumpkin pie, whipped cream, corn, and green bean casserole. Honestly, if they'd asked for hamburgers and brownies, I'd be glad to serve it. I'm not married to tradition with this holiday, aside from the giving thanks bit. That's the one and only bit I'm married to.

In celebration of Thanksgiving 2024, I'm setting aside my fears and frustrations and focusing on some of the goodness I've enjoyed. Here we go!

Vaccinations up to date and a clean bill of health. Medical care when I've needed it. Solar power. A reliable, fuel-efficient vehicle that finally has a roof rack for my kayaks! My new bulletin board makes keeping track of my writing projects easier. Shelf of books to read. 3-book contract with Tule Publishing. The Art Garage in Green Bay and Wendy Wimmer's enthusiastic leadership in getting local writers collaborating. Rose (even as she tries to crawl across my laptop while I'm working). Woody, who is affectionate and has quit jumping up on countertops. Also, Woody hates water, which made him trainable.

Good hand lotion. Sunscreen. Funny things online. Lists to keep me on track. The convenience of texting, drive-up windows, and mail-in ballots. Shayna who gives me great haircuts and always fits me into her schedule. Comfortable shoes.

Derfwads who provide community for like-minded women (and Gary!). My wonderful neighbors. The Bumble Book club and all our great conversations about awesome books, occasionally awful books, and everything else under the sun. The Coven. The way Kara makes me laugh. The way Maggie makes me feel curious. The way Kari makes me feel passionate. The way Nicole makes me (and everyone around her) feel loved and valued. The way Mary inspires courage and appreciation for the arts. The way Stacy takes adventures with her family.

Diversity, which makes everything stronger, sustainable, and more interesting. Humor. Sports. Games, especially cribbage and Settlers of Cataan. The Summer Olympics.

Experiencing live music and theater. Art. People's endless creativity. The pleasure of streaming TV. The editors and the team at Tule, including the other authors. They've taught me so much and helped me feel confident with this new career path. Getting to attend 3 conferences this year plus the annual Screw Iowa Writers Workshop. My writing partners, MK Graff and Lauren Small. They are wise and wonderful and offer me generous, honest feedback.

Coffee. The raspberry patch by the shed. Fresh-picked tomatoes. Tacos. Wine. Pizza. A safe, quiet, soft, dark place to lie my head every night. Alt-rock on the radio. Getting to work with the 5-6 graders at church. The other volunteers at Alliance. Getting to be part of Discovery Land Global. The NIV Bible helping me know right so I can think and do right and the Holy Spirit keeping me in line. Grace. Forgiveness. Mercy. Compassion. Podcasts, but especially The History Chicks. And ReThinking. Wisconsin Public Radio and Public Television, especially Masterpiece Mystery.

Getting to travel to French Polynesia. Taking my first solo road trip to Oak Ridge, TN, Smoky Mountain National Park, and Dollywood. Hiking a tiny bit of the Appalachian Trail. Experiencing Asheville, NC, a truly wonderful city with the best art, food, and views. Hiking at Purdy. Swimming in the pool. Swimming in the ocean. Actually, swimming anywhere.

Dolly Parton, because she's everything fantastic.

Volunteering at Fox Valley Literacy and the wonderful people I get to work with there. Generous people and organizations donating to make places like Fox Valley Literacy possible in our community. Time to write and ideas that keep coming. Fast internet. Tech support. Dragonflies, fireflies, butterflies (but not houseflies). Trees. Peonies, tulips, daisies, dahlias, and lilacs. The smell of rain. Poached eggs. Cheese. How fireplaces make a room feel cozy. Slippers on a cold day. Blankets. Bug repellent and the Thermacells that really worked! Public libraries. Fat-cheeked babies. The kindness of strangers.

My family, those related through biology and those related through marriage and those chosen members who are also very dear. Team Testosterone. They're each pretty fabulous in their own special way and I love how they love each other and they love me and they've turned into really interesting young men who are fun to hang out with.

And D, who has provided us with a very nice life, full of adventure, laughter, enthusiasm, and love.

Finally, I'm thankful for you, dear reader and subscriber, for clicking on the link and being an audience for what I write. I appreciate the reviews you post, the kind comments you leave, and the validation you provide.

Spill it, reader. You can leave as long a list as you want. What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving 2024?


1 Comment

Nov 26, 2024

I have so much to be grateful for: my husband and young adult children, my extended family, my friends (including our mutual group), my home, healthcare, health, employment...

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