It's the best holiday tomorrow, a combination of eating well and counting one's blessings. I give thanks every day, God has given me a lot and the crazy part is that the more I stop and reflect on how grateful I am, the more content I become. This attitude of gratitude winds up making me even happier.
In no particular order, some reasons I feel THANKFUL:
*my bum knee is holding up without medication or surgery, I can hike, swim and bike without concern
*good health, my own and my family's
*Mr. T adjusting well to college life and making progress in the "figuring out what to do with my "life" portion of this exercise
*Mr. B making excellent choices and working so diligently in school
*Mr. G taking responsibility for himself in so many ways
*the rich sense of humor in this home
*the colorful dash of birds in our trees outside and their happy songs
*those 2 crazy cats, Rose & Thorn, who give head butts and enthusiastically purr in exchange for food, water and clean litter
*a good trail for hiking
*a stack of good reading material
*a job that makes me feel like I'm making a contribution to the world
*Wisconsin's election results this fall
*friendships that make me a better human
*a fantastic church that practices what it preaches and pushes me to grow my faith
*new mercies each day
*Mr. D's new satisfaction and enthusiasm with his work
*new sheets on my bed
*scoring Stranger Things season 2 at Target last weekend
*time to play this weekend
*a nugget of a workable idea for my next writing project (still have to finish the current one, but until a week ago I had no clue what I'd work on next)
*the smell of pine and rotting leaves
*sunshine (it's a a premium this time of year)
*the willing and engaging and hardworking students who show up in Room 212 every day
*the second floor copier
*a front porch with a hammock
*dark chocolate covered almonds
*the sound of my sons getting along with each other
Spill it, reader. Give a little thanks here and you'll see what I mean about how it makes you feel!